Hello!! I am Saswati …a mother to two beautiful ,adorable girls a proud,patriotic wife of a Naval fighter pilot,a passionate cook and a food blogger.
Time has just flown past. These years of my life as a defence officer’s wife has been a rollercoaster ride, full of new experiences, joys, fun, chaos, challenges, efforts, delights, gratitude, some blissful and some truly heartrending moments which will be etched in my mind forever.
My battle in the cooking arena started years ago when as a service officer’s wife I had to entertain guests, arrange parties and get togethers at the blink of an eye where food was one of the essential ingredients. I cannot remember exactly when my wrestling with cooking transformed into a bonding unknown and I gravitated towards it and started enjoying the whole process.
Today after all those struggling years I can congratulate myself on creating a crowd pleasing and appetising meal without panicking. To take the credit alone would be a selfish act on my part.
None of us has gotten where we are solely by
Pulling ourselves up from our bootstraps
We got here because somebody
Bent down and helped us.
Thurgood Marshall
My heartfelt thanks goes to my aai (maternal grandmother) from whom I inherited my culinary genes, my mom with whom I have spent hours on the phone asking recipes, my mom in law who is an amazing cook and has helped me out with all my goof ups. The inspiration and the confidence of entering the blogosphere comes from my significant half’s insatiable hunger for good food, my daughters for whom I am the best cook in the world and my friends who believe in my culinary skills.
This blog is basically a wall where I can share with the world my innovations, explorations and adventures in my kitchen, my favourite haunt. My blog will concentrate on various cuisines Indian, Continental, Italian, Chinese and so on. Being a true Odiya at heart and Odiya by origin I need to do justice to odiya food too.
Baking has been an integral part of my kitchen experiments and I would love to share my baking expeditions with the world. The recipes I blog about are a collection raided from my family’s and friends’ kitchens, adapted from various cookbooks, the internet and of course my own tried and tested creations too.
So please do leave your inputs and feedbacks and share your views regarding the recipes in my blog and help me carve a corner for myself in the blogosphere.
Hi Saswati,
We have gone through your blog/website and find many nice recipes on it. You are having amazing cooking skills and we appreciate your work and want to make it reach to the right people who love food and cooking. We don’t want to let such talent go unnoticed. So, let us help you in becoming more famous. We will be very much happy to have you on our website-Onfoodie.com.
We would like you to upload your recipes on our website. All you have to do is, just sign up and add your recipes or if you want we can add your recipe into your profile after signup on your behalf (If you permit us) and will promote you and your recipes. You can back link your blog/website in your recipes. Also, you can add variations in already uploaded recipes and can add YouTube video link along with your recipes. Rewards, contests and offers will also be provided and added soon.
If you face any problem in registering or in uploading the recipe, please contact us at [email protected] or you can write us back also. We will be very happy to help you. The current services are just a beginning and we will be adding other functionalities to make your experience amazing and wonderful.
Your contribution will mean a lot to us.
Thanks in advance.
Onfoodie Team
Lovely reading your blog
Thank you so much Sharmila…so sweet of you to leave a word ..you sure made my day!
Have tried some recipes and love then n love ur presentation
Thank you so much Carol😊😊
Hi, This is Krishna from a PR agency called Avian Media, Chennai. I was looking your blog and would like to explore some review opportunities for one of my kitchen appliances client’s product. Please let me know the possibilities and your interest on the same. Post getting your reply I will speak to my client to take it forward. Thank you. Krishna – 9442191717
Accidentally found your blog while searching for egg tadka recipe but you many other good recipies too which i will surely try.
thank u very much for ur recipes…good luck.
Thank you so much 🙏…..it’s always a pleasure to know that my readers are trying out my recipes and loving it.
i came here by insagram.. and i relly appreciate your efforts which you have put in this blog! Nice images & nice recipes too.
Can u please tell me where to get these lasagne sheets in bangalore?